
Why has my dropbox cost increased so much
Why has my dropbox cost increased so much

why has my dropbox cost increased so much

Having said all of that, maybe you and I can take a quick look at what these new features are, and decide for ourselves if it's worth the extra money. But it would be nice to be able to kind of stay with the same package if the same package is working for you. I certainly recognize that Dropbox has to improve the quality of their offering on a constant basis because of competition.

why has my dropbox cost increased so much

I'm not 100% sure that the value's there. I should be thrilled that they've deigned to give me all of these extra services for a meager $27 more a year. All of that for just, in my case, $27 more a year Canadian. One about a week ago, another one just this week, saying essentially this: Dropbox is upgraded, it's now adding double storage, world class sync, and something called Dropbox Rewind. Steve Dotto here, how the heck you doing this fine day? If you're like me and you are a Dropbox Plus user, you received notification recently that Dropbox is increasing the price and increasing the functionality of Dropbox. Should I be excited? Are you excited about it? I'm not sure I'm excited about it, but I think what we should do is take a look at the new Dropbox and the value it represents today, here, on Dotto Tech. And, I just got notification of what it's going to cost me to have said new version of Dropbox. I just got access to the new version of Dropbox.

Why has my dropbox cost increased so much